For the experienced sea angler we offer whole boat offshore fishing charter. Because of Sussex’s long service as a dive charter, we have many wrecks and reefs plotted using state of art navigation and seabed mapping systems which mean we can set up accurate drifts over any wreck or reef sites.
Sussex is a high-speed catamaran with twin 370hp Yanmar Engines which is very stable underway and can easily have you 20 miles offshore within just an hour transit time to maximise your day.
Sussex is licenced for 12 passengers, but because of the diving lift we recommend a maximum of 8 anglers with 14m of gunnel to pick their spot.
Currently, there are no Rods or Reels available for hire. Charters would be expected to bring all their own equipment plus any baits they need.
Tea, coffee, fresh bottled water, and toilet on board.

For information on custom fishing trips and pricing, feel free to give skipper Mike a call on: 0771 1570 294 or e-mail at